DVSA improves OCRS to focus on the least compliant operators | Descartes Routing UK

DVSA improves OCRS to focus on the least compliant operators

The DVSA use the Operator Compliance Risk Score (OCRS) system to help decide which vehicles should be stopped for roadside checks. It gives a score for risk of an operator running a vehicle with roadworthiness defects and committing offences such as breaches of drivers’ hours. Operators with a high OCRS are more likely to have their vehicles stopped and inspected.

Operators are able to view their OCRS score online by registering here.

The DVSA have reviewed the OCRS system with feedback from operators and traffic and vehicle examiners. As a result, they have introduced some changes from Tuesday 6 December 2016.

The main changes are as follows:

New combined score

The new OCRS will combine the roadworthiness and traffic (drivers’ hours etc) scores. However you will still be able to view individual roadworthiness and traffic scores. The combined score will give the authorities a better understanding of the vehicles at most risk with the highest combined score to determine which ones to inspect.

‘Straight to red’ trigger removed

The ‘straight to red’ trigger putting operators in the red band following a prosecution or a ‘most serious infringement’ (MSI) has been removed.  Operators will be issued with OCRS points for most serious offences and prosecutions and will get to red through the points total. A combined score of 26 or more will put an operator in the red!

Verbal warnings during a roadside check

If a driver is issued with a verbal warning during a roadside check, the operator’s OCRS score will not be affected. This will now be shown on the operator’s OCRS report as a clear inspection – unless other offences are found that warrant a prohibition or fixed penalty.

Lowering points for prosecution cases and band 5 offences

The points given for prosecution cases and band 5 offences have been reduced from 500 to 300. This includes failing to record data on a tachograph. Points allocated for the other bands stay the same so band 4 offences will still get 200 points.

More information

You’ll find more detailed information about the changes in the DVSA’s OCRS System Guide.