Tachograph Analysis & Reporting | Descartes Routing UK
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SmartAnalysis Tachograph Analysis & Reporting

Tachograph: Monitoring Your Drivers' Hours 

Where the maximum permissible mass of the vehicle, including any trailer or semi-trailer, exceeds 3.5 tonnes, a tachograph must be operated to record a driver’s working time, travelling time, break periods and rest days.

Modern vehicles now use digital tachographs that produce masses of data that requires interpretation. SmartAnalysis software manages this process and does the hard work for you, analysing and reporting the information clearly, leaving you with more time to manage your business.

SmartAnalysis is one of the most widely used tachograph analysis software products in the UK and EU. Used to analyse over 1,300,000 tachograph records every month, it is suitable for fleets of any size and all HGV and PCV vehicles.

Available as either a pay-as-you-Go or a Pre-Pay subscription the cloud-based software is accessed via the internet. Your tachograph data is secure yet accessible any time and any place by authorised members of your staff.

The Descartes SmartAnalysis solution is validated by the DVSA for Earned Recognition KPIs.

For further information or to order the tachograph analysis software visit our SmartCompliance website.

Contact us to discuss further