The UK Introduces Its First Zero Emission Zone | Descartes Routing UK

The UK Introduces Its First Zero Emission Zone

zero emissions zone compass

The UK’s First Zero-Emission Zone Goes Live in Oxford at the End of February 2022

Since the first Clean Air Zone went live in London in 2019 there have been several others go live with more planned.

Some only charge commercial or the worst polluting vehicles while others charge all vehicles. The UK’s first Zero Emissions Zone (ZEZ) will go live in Oxford from 28th February 2022. This will see all internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and even hybrid vehicles charged for entering the zone.


Zero-Emission Zone Implications

Charges for entering the Zero Emission Zone will depend upon the emission levels of the vehicle but vary from £2 to £10 per day. If you deliver goods into Zero Emission Zones any additional costs will need to be added to your delivery costs.

Oxford Emission Zone Details


Implement Modern Logistic Solutions

With an increasing number of Low Emission Zones operating many more companies will be operating mixed fleets as they replace ICE vehicles with electric or low emission vehicles.

Choosing the best vehicle for deliveries into these Zero Emission Zones and Clean Air Zones will become vitally important to ensure that charges are kept to a minimum and air quality is protected.

Once the parameters of your vehicles are entered into the Descartes’ routing software it will automatically select the best vehicle from your fleet when scheduling deliveries within these zones.

Discover the Road to Success


Contact us for more details on routing within Zero Emission Zones and Clean Air Zones or send an email to