Supply Chain Logistics Workforce Challenge WP | Descartes Routing UK
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How bad is the supply chain and logistics workforce challenge?

How bad is the supply chain and logistics workforce challenge?

Post-pandemic and with a return to business-as-usual conditions you might think that workforce shortages would subside. This doesn’t appear to be the case in the supply chain and logistics sector. 

Organisations continue to struggle to attract the staff they need. This is especially true in warehouse and road transport operations.  Understanding the workforce problem is complex and this report aims to discover where the challenge is the greatest and what companies are doing to address it. Descartes worked with SAPIO Research to survey 1,000 supply chain and logistics leaders in Europe and North America to better understand the current situation and companies’ future plans.  

The research showed that 76% of organisations are experiencing notable workforce shortages and the report aims to provide supply chain and logistics leaders with an in-depth perspective on the challenge, with an understanding of the strategies, tactics and technologies being deployed to address it.

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