There were 1,833 railway bridge strikes in the year 2021/2022 ending March 2022, amounting to 35 strikes per week. This is an increase over last year's 33 each week and an additional 209 bridge strikes this year.
Bridge Strikes result in delays for both local traffic, while the vehicle is removed, and the rail network, while the vehicle is cleared and the bridge examined. Transport operators that don't plan their HGV delivery routes to avoid low bridges run the risk of financial penalties or in extreme cases losing their operator's licence, while Network Rail will also aim to recoup any maintenance and delay expenses incurred.
According to Network Rail’s statistics this year's most bashed railway bridge is Stonea Road bridge on the B1098 in Manea, Cambridgeshire, which has a clearance of just 2.1m. According to Network Rail's list of the most hit bridges in the UK for 21/22, the bridge was struck 33 times during the fiscal year ending March 2022. While the top ten most damaged bridges account for 152 bridge strikes, or 8% of the total 1,833 nationally,
Network Rail is launching a bridge strike prevention effort dubbed "4E's," which stands for "Education, Engineering, Enablement, and Enforcement," with the goal of providing haulage firms and their drivers with the knowledge and training they need to avoid bridge collisions.
Logistics companies that plan their delivery routes with the help of Descartes Route Optimisation Software can rest easy knowing that the software will take into account the height and type of vehicle that is being used and compare this to the height of bridges along possible routes. As a result, the software will select a delivery route that not only avoids low bridges but also selects a route that is the shortest and most cost-effective route for their deliveries.
Read our article on the Consequences of a Bridge Strike - Discover 7 ways you can reduce the risk...