Customer event 2019 - Future of Logistics | Descartes Routing UK

Customer event 2019 - Future of Logistics

Descartes customer event gave expert advice to industry professionals.

Towards the end of 2019 Descartes Systems UK held it UK Customer and Partner event and welcomed over 100 logistics professionals to hear about the latest logistics news. Held at the British Motor Museum in Warwickshire, the theme for the day was the future of logistics and supply chain operations. There was considerable interest in the program and speakers, with the new HMRC Customs Declaration Service (CDS) and Brexit on the agenda.

The keynote speaker was Guy Clapperton, a near-futurist, along with guest speakers and representatives from Kharon, eComGlobal and Descartes. While James Chok Wing of HM Revenue & Customs took to the stage to discuss migration to their new Customs Declaration System (CDS) in 2020.

The event program focused on overcoming challenges and taking advantage of opportunities that will emerge in the near future with international trade and customs compliance. Unsurprisingly, Brexit was a concern for many delegates and the event highlighted how organisations involved with trade in the EU are ensuring they are Brexit-ready with Descartes. Delegates also discussed the management of sanctions risk in global supply chains and the importance of screening both suppliers and customers before delivery. A timely discussion from HMRC delivered updates and advice on the migration from CHIEF to CDS on which Descartes has been working closely with HMRC to develop and provide feedback on the new system, successfully helping a significant number of clients to transition smoothly and efficiently to the new system, whilst ensuring customs compliance.

Other issues addressed during the event included global trends around sustainability, including the need to reduce carbon footprint and improve first-and last-mile supply chain efficiency, while meeting ever-increasing customer expectations. Descartes is responding to these challenges and helping its customers to achieve market leading results with its customer fulfilment and dynamic booking solution increasing sales and improving the end-customer experience.

With the continued growth in eCommerce Descartes’ advanced eCommerce Warehouse Management Solution (WMS) is helping customers increase efficiency in the warehouse, saving walking time by 40%, reducing packaging and shipping time by 50% and achieving 100% picking accuracy, with significant financial benefits to customers.

Andrew Tavener, Head of Marketing, Descartes Systems UK, comments, “We are always excited to bring together our customers, partners and regulatory bodies such as HMRC to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities within the global supply chain. The industry is facing an unprecedented amount of change, and we welcome the chance to share learnings on how collectively we can harness advanced technology for competitive advantage.

For more information see the Descartes Brexit Resource Centre on how to become BREXIT Ready.