Bridge strike could mean licence loss | Descartes Routing UK
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Bridge strike could mean licence loss

As reported in Commercial Motor the senior traffic commissioner has warned all HGV operators in a letter that a bridge strike could result in them losing their operator’s licence.

Network rail are also due to launch a campaign highlighting the problems caused by bridge strikes and revealing Britain’s most hit bridges.

The problem is often caused by delivery drivers using standard in-cab satellite navigation systems, or  Google maps on their mobile phones which does not allow for the type of vehicle they are driving, to find a route for their next delivery.

But low bridges can be avoided by using a route optimisation delivery planning system that calculates the optimal route for all your deliveries at the start of the day using the latest road network and traffic data. The turn by turn route information can then be provided to your drivers as they travel along that route via a mobile device such as a smartphone.

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